
We're a social enterprise based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. We want towns like ours to be vibrant, inspiring places, where our communities can encounter new ideas and do creative work together. From September 2021 to September 2022, Typeset CIC operated a bookshop out of a pop-up retail space offered by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. In 2023 we moved into a new office space, and started preparing new projects, products, and plans.

For now, please support us online! The best way to stay in touch is signing up for our emails - go to typeset.space/#bulletin


Thank you so much for supporting the first ever full-length performance of Assigned Earth at Birth. I want to make Intrapology into a series of interactive live sci-fi exploring how people make worlds together. If you would like to help me make that happen, one great way to do that is to sign up for the waitlist of our Patreon. This will be one of the main ways I share updates about the show, and there will always be a free tier so that you can keep up to date without making any financial commitment.

Everything is terrible, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!